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Tuesday 7 May 2013


Sembilan consists of nine islands; Rumbia, Pulau Lalang, Pulau Saga, Pulau Buluh, Pulau Samak, Pulau Nipis, Pulau Agas, Pulau Miskin and Pulau Nyamuk. All of them are inhabited, so you will find an oasis of peace. The islands are located nearby the town of Lumut, and also nearby Pangkor Island. The boat takes you to the islands in an hour and a half. Most people visit the island during a day trip. Usually a group of friends or a family rents a boat at the small harbor and they visit the island for a nice picnic. Some leave very early in the morning to catch fish in the area and then prepare and eat the fish during lunch at one of the nice secluded beaches at one of the islands. 

There are several dive sites around these islands, which range from about 5m – 40m in depth, and have a prolific marine life. Besides the rich and beautiful coral reefs, it consists of a wide variety of saltwater habitants including Turtles, Barracudas, Moray Eels, Scorpionfish and a whole lot more.

The main disadvantage of this area is poor visibility, which is rarely above 15m and often as low as 3m. Many types of Nudibranch as well as other macro critters like Shrimps, Gobies, Blennies, etc. are hard to be spotted except by the eagle-eyed diver.

One of the most popular dive sites is at White Rock – with its lighthouse and steep walls that drop to 40m in depth, and are covered in coral and seafans. Large schools of fishes such as Snapper, Trevally, Parrotfish, Angelfish, Morish Idols, etc can also be seen.
White rock

The best time to dive here is November to March – the opposite season to the east coast of Malaysia, which makes it a popular destination for divers.


Sembilan Islands is the setting for an annual fishing safari, a competitive event held in conjunction with the lavishly celebrated Lumut Pesta Laut – a popular festival that takes place in Lumut every August.

All 9 islands are uninhabited and accommodation is unavailable, while only Pulau Lalang has fresh water supply and accessible beaches.

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